There are many of the devils imps who have infiltrated the Church and who hate Israel as much as he does and spread lies about a Zionist ,Israel,Neo-Con group who they say controls the U.S.
This lie is easily exposed by how the pompous and devious U.S. Governmnet trample's Israel's sovereignty and carves up their land for a non existent peace with Islamic terrorists and continues to fund the Palestinian terrorists with billions instead of letting them wither away and die and always restraining Israel from defeating them.
This evil against Israel along with our national perversion and wickedness is why the U.S is now diving headfirst into the grave prepared for her.
These anti-Israel wolves in our midst always ignore president Bush's love affair and double standard with his Saudi terrorists backers and the U.S. government's growing love affair with Islam ,it's hypocrisy and double standard in always rewarding the Islamic hordes at Israel's expense.
When things go bad for the U.S. ,Jews everywhere and Israel will be blamed along with Christians who stand with Israel.
The devil is already stirring the pot with his choice scapegoat,the Jew.It's going to cost alot to stand with Israel and the Jews.
God will prune His vine back some more.
Will you be pruned off of His choice vine?
Israel ,as she was in the past is snared in idol worship ,but God will do a work and free them from their latest slavemasters ,the U.S. who leads them to disaster.
Slowly but surely many in Israel are awakening to the danger they are now in because they put their faith in America for peace and security instead of obeying God.
Only their Moshiach Jesus will save them and not the phony peacemaker President Bush.
This below is in response to Carolines latest article at the Jerusalem Post related to the Bear and Iran.
'Rather than building US forces to confront them, Gates advocates building "collaborative and cooperative relationships" with them'.
Caroline ,we don't have a draft and our empire has been breaking down and falling apart with greater speed since President Bush's misadventure in Iraq.(and his Road Map dividing of Israel)
All he has accomplished is unite the Iranian and Iraqi Shiites which Saddam managed to keep apart.After close to a trillion dollars invested in this debacle I'd say Israel is insane,mad to listen to anything the president asks of them.
The most insane being surrendering your land to his nightmare Road Map to Hell which has already proven to be an utter failure after Gaza and yet the criminal's Olmert,Barak and Livini do not hide in fear for their lives but openly and without restraint continue on with this evil as Israel gets on her knees and prays for the stupid President to save them from Iran.
The Bear smells blood and Gates and even the idiot Bush can't stop the bleeding and know they are unprepared with WWIII on the table.
Israel, smitten by their idol George can't see all the blood draining from the corpse that was once the great U.S.A.but it's there for everyone to see.
Of course you have to ask ,Why didn't the tough guy Bush do nothing but flap his jaws after Russia's ongoing agression against Georgia.
The answer's are ,we have no draft ,we're broke economically and our military is worn down and worn out.
The National Guard won't fight Russia as it has been used up already for Bush's vain adventure in Iraq.
you wrote;
'if Bush hopes to leave office with even a shred of international credibility, Gates must be shunted firmly to the side.
'The odd thing is after all he has done to reward Israel's unwavering Palestinian enemies that he still maintains such great credibility with the average deer in the headlights Israeli ?
I wonder when Israel will finally get it ,snap out of their stupor and idol worship of the empty and broke and crumbling empire and come to realize that all the effort Israel put into pleasing their masters in Washington ,surrendering your land,appeasing your enemies to gain favor with your false gods on the Potomac was a waste ,a dead end and a tragic error of the greatest magnitude ?
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