This is how Palestinians treat each other. It's the usual evil hypocrisy how the world and Amnesty International,Human Rights Watch,U.S.,E.U. and the U.N. are all silent while they madly attack Israel for much less when they defend themselves from this cult of death and destruction.
Keep in mind that this is the direct result of President Bush's interference in pushing the 'democratic' elections in Gaza which brought the Hamas terrorists to power in Gaza .
While Israel was restrained and threatened not to act against these Islamic terrorists.
Jews obedient to God's command to rebuild on their land were kicked out of their homes and land on Bush's orders to P.M. Sharon for his Satan inspired Road Map agenda to birth his 23 Islamic terrorist state of Palestine.
More than any other nation the U.S. interferes on behalf of Satan in hindering Israel from obeying God's command to rebuild,resettle on the land He gave them.
It is the U.S. restraining,hindering,threatening Israel more than any other nation when it comes to the issue of settlments .
Israel's God will put an end to this interference.
Can you see the evil that the world directs only against Israel and the Jews while turning a blind eye to Islamic atrocities ?
part 2
Could the War have begun already ?
"Could the War have begun already ?"
If not, maybe tomorrow or the next day.
Lebanon: Hezbollah may fight Israel to recover land - Ha'aretz
Lebanon's new government guidelines declare Hezbollah has the right to fight against Israel to "recover the land occupied by Israel." The document was drafted on Friday and will be brought before the government for approval tomorrow.
And there is hope for those who will turn to the One True Living God!
Son of Hamas Leader Becomes a Christian
Good news indeed.
I read the story last week and thought about posting it here.
Didn't get any response from the Afshin youtube video I posted here and that was 1000times more incredible testimony.
I know a brother that was very blessed by the Afshin video series.
I sure was,that was a sovereign act of God.
It will be interesting to see what comes next on the table for Iran in the way of sanctions from the President.
I'm watching and waiting.
Do they realize that Iran will consider this an act of war ?
Livni urges new sanctions on Iran
Speaking on CNN, Livni said that "time is of the essence" in challenging Iran's nuclear drive after Tehran let pass a US deadline this weekend to respond to an international package of incentives to freeze its uranium enrichment operations or face new sanctions.
She called for quick agreement on a fourth round of international sanctions threatened by Washington if Tehran continues to spurn the proposals of the six powers in the negotiations, the United States, Russia, China, Germany, Britain and France.
"We need to understand that we need to act today in terms of sanctions. Sanctions can be effective, as long as the Iranians and the entire world understand that all the options are on the table. This is what we need to do today
I'm sure they know they are "swatting a bees nest" as it were.
I'm also sure that Assad & Ahmadinejad know they are provoking as well.
I think they know how thin the U.S. is stretched with 2 other wars going.
Perhaps they also know something the U.S. doesn't?
oh yeah, They(Iran)know they have a coalition that can easily wipe us out in an hour .... or less.
I think Bush and Admiral Mullens have finally figured that out and thats why they are thinking twice.
Maybe they think they can get away with a naval blockade which I think will be a major mistake.
Iran is looking for a pretext to go to war with 'the great satan'.
'great satan'
I remember first hearing that in the `79 hostage crisis.
Well they almost had it....
great whore is what she is.
Revelation 17:1 and 19:2 KJV
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