It's happened here just as it happened with God's people Israel.
They thought they were OK before God raised up the King of Babylon to bring them down to the dust.
They rejected every warning God sent them.That is America today.
The mind's of many so called Christians have become seared because they do not love the truth but take pleasure in wickedness.
America IS wickedness and these self deluded, apostate, fallen away Christian's still portray America as something holy and pure and good.
Isn't that always what idol worshipers do with their idols ?
They do this because like Lots wife their investements are in this wicked empire so they ignore anything that might endanger their bottom line$.
I just got this email below.It's an important message !
(go to the above ling for the complete messsage)
I thought about Pat Robertson and his Lot's wife syndrome that infects and blinds and leads astray so many believers today.
Greetings - The superficial notion that somehow Babylon's financial woes will make her a third rate, run-of-the-mill economic power - allowing Western Europe's ascendancy - and thereby provide the eschatological basis for the future Antichrist, is as geopolitically absurd as it is biblically refutable.
The more one explores the expanse and internecine acquisitions of Babylon's resources by the Central Banks of the world through their sovereign wealth funds and the managers who bow to her altars of additional wealth secured by integrating their excess dollars into her store house of luxuries - the more one realizes that a supernatural phenomenon is at work.
No, it only appears that she can be bought on the cheap--there are no winners, only the merchants of the earth made rich by her. Millions eat the crumbs, off her opulent spread. Peering into the cup of her putridity is not easy--but necessary lest its external gold casing betrays the interior content.
Why the Evangelicals amongst Christendom cannot see who she is has more to do with protecting their own lot, their own stake in her successes - they are, unfortunately - and many of them know this - willfully committed to the ignoble fate of siding AGAINST the divine intent and disgust which abides so vehement that one's conscience can actually be seared over the refusal to confess His inevitable judgment of this Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.
To understand what the Almighty's perspective is over His antithesis and the ramifications of feeding her frenzy, one simply must read the conclusions reached in Revelation 18!
Again, remember this, the only HALLELUJAHS recorded in the New Testament reverberate through heavens corridors upon Babylon's destruction!
Join in the chorus - that is our choice.
Very Powerful!
One of the best Tribulation Network rebukes of Babylon I've ever read!
The goats are blinded by "Das Volk"
Thanks for hte buzzle link.
I skimmed over it ,bookmarked also.
the same patriotic delusion has infected the church in America with their Heil Bush and their silence towards the evil he does agaisnt Israel under the lie of peace.
This is nothing less than God's judgment which has already started at His church in America.
Dr. D.James Kennedy,Jerry Falwell and the exposed homosexual leader of the National Association of Evangelicals are just a few who went whoreing with the political powers and led their flocks to do so who have been removed.
Todd Bentley: Unwelcome Wagon in L.A.
Babylon the great is falling, is falling.....
U.S. Headed Toward Bankruptcy, Says Top Budget Committee Republican - CNS News
The ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee said the U.S. government is headed toward bankruptcy if it stays on its current fiscal course.
it's easy to see for those not listening to the liars in the media or government.
I read a headline about all the major auto bbuilder going under.
That should be enough,but then another report on all the banks going under and then we have more commercial and residental rela estate and banks being too afraid to loan any money ,401 K's and pensions being wiped out ,the Airlines going bust along with Californian and many other bankrupt states,price of food skyrocketing as the crooks in government manipulate the market and oil prices up and down at their whim.
This was not reported in the major alphabet media abc this morning but the Paris Hilton for president video played and played.
We're being played !,0,1932080.story,0,1932080.story
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