Jeremiah 50:22, “A sound of battle is in the land, and of great destruction.”
Russia's response to President Bush's missiles in Eastern Europe

Russia can't use "disproportionate force" against Georgia and still be welcomed by international institutions, Rice said.
"It's not going to happen that way," she said. "Russia will pay a price."
We've all got to pay a price ,even the United State with million's of murdered babies and homosexuals flaunting their perversions in God's face.
We're all guilty and have fallen short of God's perfect standard and His holiness demands perfect justice ,not the corrupted,double standard of justice we see America and the world selling today.
A few souls have learned that Jesus paid the price for our sins and that by His sacrifice ,the blood He shed paid the price for us.
We can not find God's acceptance or forgivness by our way ,but His way alone.
Religion is not God's way.
By His death on the cross and resurrection God looks upon those who believe in His son Jesus Christ as without sin ,meeting God's perfect standard of holiness.
That's the only way ,the only door ,God's way.
The Nations ,thats a different story ,they are all in God's crosshairs for His wrath and final judgment. Thats why it's quite dangerous to be patriotic or nationalistic as a Christian.
We have a kingdom and a king,only one.
A land which has turned away from God and His laws, becoming lawless and perverted does not see the price it will pay ?
A wicked nation without humility and fear of God which assumes to play God will encounter Him and be reminded that it is not God,that it is nothing but dust and rubble.
God raises up our enemies for one reason.
To bring us down.
This is some of the filth and perversion the Laodecian Christian Church in America has exported across the world which God is beginning to remove as He cleans and purifies His people for His soon return.
From Andrew -
This sermon was preached to several hundred pastors gathered
in Lagos, Nigeria on my most recent trip. There is no question that
it is one of the most hard-hitting messages I have ever preached -
but the response is what amazed me. Nigeria (and much of Afrcia)
is utterly saturated with Prosperity teaching. I felt a tremendous
unction of the Holy Spirit as I challenged all of this - which only
seemed to increase as the sermon went on. I was preaching
without notes, and I honestly had no idea what I would say when
I started. God took over.
We had seen pastors and leaders kneel weeping on a previous
trip when we preached on these things. But this was the first time
I ever saw such an overwhelming response - pastors en masse
repenting and committing themselves to overturn the lies and
deceptions that have invaded the church in their nation. It was
astounding. Glory to God! (I will be back in Nigeria in Oct).
The audio is called "THUNDERING IN NIGERIA" and you can
find it on the right-hand side near the top of the following website-
Take a listen!
God bless you all.
Andrew Strom.
U.S. fears Russia returning to authoritarian past
I agree, Russia is soon going to lay down the law on a lawless Babylon...
"Bush administration struggles for right response to Russia's aggression"
Yeah but they don't struggle to repent of their voyeristic infatuation with abominations like Ellen and Portia's "marriage" now do they?!!!!
I wa thinking of posting about the abomination marriage which ahs become accpeted in America today but decided to allow God His response instead.
So much weirdness going on these days.
Emergency services sirens going through town with much greater frequency...
Road rage with much greater frequency...
Hearing random gunshots outside town.. (definately not fireworks, I used to hunt)
All the electronic problems..
People seem to be at the end of their rope in general..
with the Lords help,
pace yourself.
you ain't seen nothing yet.
Funny that you mention electronic problems. Our smoke alarm beeped for no reason and stopped. It doesn't have batteries and must have been a power surge.
How would the average American live without electricity ?
I've been thinking about that lately ,and wonder if the Lord is preparing us for such a time ?
We've got T.S. not quite Hurricane Fay heading this way and back in 2004 Frances and Jeanne came thru and I lost a few trees and power for a short time.
Praise God ,it was a time to see the Lords faithfulness as I live in a mobile home and have no insurance.
Lots of people suffered.
Better to have our foundation sure before the storm.
The only thing I would miss is taking heed, watching and praying with my online brethren if the power went....
Not being able to have my morning coffee and read A Very Heavy Stone would bother me the most...
Also, this is going to be a BIG problem:
Bush Says Breakaway Regions Must Remain Part of Georgia - Fox News,3566,404937,00-html/
President Bush said Saturday that the two disputed regions at the center of the conflict between Georgia and Russia must remain part of Georgia, but called the signing of a cease-fire between the two nations a "hopeful step."
Bush is making it impossible for Russia to comply thereby securing for Zbig and his buddies WWIII
The Tribulation Network has a new article:
The Tribulation Network has a new article:
Praise God for repentance in Africa! May The Lord strengthen Brother Kato to do battle against the doctrine of false teachers and prophets as well!
Meanwhile, back in Babylon evil men and deceivers wax worse and worse.
Churches start to use hologram pastors?
Could this be setting people up for "image" worship? I'm thinking yes.
You've got to be kidding ?
You mean you haven't prepped for electric proof coffee ?
I read Bush's godlike pronouncement last week and wondered why it is that most Christians cover up how he dictates the border's of Israel and now the borsders of Russia and Geirgia.
Does he think he is God ?
I do think it's going to be a rough time when he declars Martial law. We will see the dictator come out of the closet.
Kato has been fighting this apostacy faithfully for a long time and it's amazing how cit has polluted the whole church across the earth by way of the U.S.A.
It's encouraging to know I have a reader here.
You've got to be kidding ?
You mean you haven't prepped for electric proof coffee ?
I read Bush's godlike pronouncement last week and wondered why it is that most Christians cover up how he dictates the border's of Israel and now the borders of Russia and Georgia with such omnipotent style arrogance.
No vote's needed in his strange democracy.
Does he think he is God ?
I do think it's going to be a rough time when he declars Martial law. We will see the dictator come out of the closet.
Kato has been fighting this apostacy faithfully for a long time and it's amazing how cit has polluted the whole church across the earth by way of the U.S.A.
It's encouraging to know I have a reader here.
No, I have a stovetop percolator.
And a little folding stove as well! It uses any available solid fuel.
For 10 bucks, it has certainly paid for itself already on camping trips.
The problem is going to be the coffee supply :)
I was also considering one of these:
Its a water pot and a camp stove all in one.
But... I have been considering the possibility of being coffee-less and ready to accept it if need be.. has some interesting articles today as well as some Babnesia...
The kind of Babnesia I'm talking about is hoping in ANY political party or figure in any way, shape or form.
But it looks like the Internet may be over in 2012 from reading this:
"Watson's Web Soon To Be Available Only To A Select Few - WW"
watson writes ;
Move To Linux Or Apple as soon as you possibly can.
How many of you in the last year have found strange charges on your credit cards (the one you use online) and cannot figure out where they came from within the last year or so? This is a MAJOR problem the card companies are facing and it is growing. Usually the unauthorized charges are less than $50 bucks and those who use their cards alot may miss them. I found out why this is happening which is why I recommend switching to Apple or Linux... with all hatse and use only One card for online purchases, preferably one with a low credit limit
One EMP will take care of all the problem's W Watson is concerned about.
I had a good credit card and cancelled it in 2003 along with a few other of what Watson calls;
'If it is incorporated in America, DON"T TRUST IT! '
It pains me to have to do business with AT$T but the day will come when I have no more computer or TV .
I'm trying to be as prepared as possible to say no to the mark unlike so many who will be unable to cut loose.
'But... I have been considering the possibility of being coffee-less and ready to accept it if need be.'
I haven't ..................yet.
And now... may the mouths be stopped of those who doubted the Massive Naval Armada story that was leaked August 10th.
"Red Horse Has Left The Barn"
It has now made the main stream...
Curiosity about U.S. Navy buildup in Persian Gulf
And BTW, I listened to the entire audio from Andrew.
Very powerful!
Thanks be to God for the message getting through and may they stand in lasting repentance in Africa!
And on the other hand, it is very sad to know that this same message preached in Babylon would be scoffed at and hated.
As of monday the 18 of August,it does not look like the Russian army has quite left George yet ,even though they have said time and again that they would leave.
In fact there are reports that they are digging in.
I don't know when King George will make his blockade,sanction move against Iran ,but this move is considered an act of war and that is how Iran will see it and respond.
There is something about the Feasts of God as 35 years ago the Yom Kippur War almost escalated into a nuclear confrontation between the U.S. and Russia.
Could it be that a 35 year break God extended is now over ?
I think is is very possible that something big is going to happen between now and October.
That's just my assumption as someone who is watching, reading the bible, seeking understanding and wisdom from the Lord.
THUNDERING IN NIGERIA by Andrew Strom is chilling. Bring back those hellfire preachers! Turn America and the world back to Jesus Christ!
90% of those in church pews today will go straight to hell if they die today! This is a horrible thing!
BE VERY CAREFUL you do not curse yourself, reader, by cursing and mocking God's true prophets. There are SO FEW. BEWARE YOU are not among those Andrew spoke of who GOD will slay and send to hell!
Most are fakes, COPHATS (copycats) speaking in their own words what they read from others, immoral filthy lifestyles such as Todd Bentley and Matthew Stephen and too many others.
Those who do not attend a church are often closer to GOD than those in bars on Saturday and in the pews every Sunday.
I have personally met both Andrew Strom and Micahel Boldea. These are true men of GOD.
Amen ,
But your words lose much of their strength because you did not have the fortitude to leave your name to these words.
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