Have you ever wanted to be wrong about something? I hope that I am wrong, but there are strong indications that martial law may be put into effect BEFORE the US elections in November 2008. The effect of EVERY Vision is NOW at hand. Yes, that even includes the battle of
Armageddon, as those who have planned THREE World Wars since the 18th century have called WWIII for generations.
There are quite a number of military sources saying the Iran attack will come before October 2008. The GJiGT told those on the update list 18 months before the Iraq attack, that not only would Iraq be attacked, but that Iran would be the next country attacked. That attack is imminent.
The nations of this world are antichrist and they are MAD. When corrupt governments get in trouble, they historically tend to lead their people into war. The first half of calendar 2008 witnessed the Japanese stock market down 12%, the Australian stock market was down 18%, the German stock market was down 22%, the Indian stock market was down 36%; and China's Shanghai Exchange was down 50%. Many international financial reports are speculating that the US dollar will fail before October. The bank of International Settlements wants to audit the FED which has NEVER been audited. Because the FED has been putting 2 BILLION Dollars PER DAY into the US economy, foreign governments no longer want to buy US notes or bonds.
(exerpted from Jim searcy's GJIGT yahoogroups email today)
***While the Kuwaiti daily did not name the ships it believed were heading for the Middle East, The Media Line's defense analyst said they could be the USS Theodore Roosevelt and the USS Ronald Reagan.
Currently there are two US naval battle groups operating in the Gulf: one is an aircraft carrier group, led by the USS Abraham Lincoln, which carries some 65 fighter aircraft. The other group is headed by the USS Peleliu which maintains a variety of planes and strike helicopters
Currently there are two US naval battle groups operating in the Gulf: one is an aircraft carrier group, led by the USS Abraham Lincoln, which carries some 65 fighter aircraft. The other group is headed by the USS Peleliu which maintains a variety of planes and strike helicopters
a dream from Bob Neumann
It must have been in 1992-3 when i had a night vision where i saw a "bridge" of a US capital ship when the "radar" began to pick up "bogies" in huge numbers. I watched as commands were given and planes were launched and missles were fired. I sensed the amazement of the officers that the "attack" had come from "behind them" when their expected enemy was still ahead of them. This plays right into the IRAQ/IRAN situation that we now see. Then i was above the "fleet" watching as the sky filled with explosions as defensive fire started taking out "exocets"..... and then i saw lines of fire as numerous PHALANX guns opened fire......... i watched planes catapult off a carrier's deck as the "exocets" began to hit their targets. it was in the fire of the burning deck that i saw the name....LINCOLN..... i watched several frigates literally blown apart by several simultanious "hits"......... in all i could "see" two carriers "dead in the water" with the wreckage of other ships all across my field of vision. i watched as several TOM CATS in full afterburner came from my left to my right which is where the attack originated. so there had to be another carrier........and as i watched them move away from me i could see the second wave of "exocets" coming towards me..... it was then the "vision" ended. But this is the "weirdness" of the prophetic. At the time there was no ABRAHAM LINCOLN. And honestly because of that fact i put the "vision" aside. Then in 1999...if i remember correctly....i responded through Bill Somer's site to a post by Bryan Hupperts concerning Sadam Hussain called "BASKET VISION" where i spoke of the sinking of our carriers............
I've posted the other dream from Jeff here a number of times as it stood out strongly with me and this latest one got my attention when I read the news from Jerusalem Post today.
Does the Lincoln have F14s? I could be wrong but have they not been decommissioned. Iran has some old cats but are they operational.
Still Carriers can be hit
While I do think we are going to see the tribulation soon and the return of Christ in the not too distant future, I tend to be VERY careful about statements like "The End is Near" as it is very close to "The Time has Drawn Near", something our Lord Jesus Christ warned us about.
Luke 21:8 And He said: "Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He,' and, 'The time has drawn near.' Therefore do not go after them.
Nevertheless, Fall Babylon Fall!
Bob's dream in the early 90's like Daniel's vision ,it's clear he couldn't tell the difference between an Exocet and a Yakhounts or and F-14 ,an F-16 or Raptor.
What is most important is that he saw a USS Linclon Aircraft Carrier that did not exist at the time of his dream.
James ,
I stand by the statement ,the end is near. (for America)
After we are hit ,you can send a carrier pigeon my way (if you can find one) and tell me if it was near enough for you
I can agree that the end may be near for Babylon but I am very careful of claims about THE end being near.
Hoping to get going soon (out of Babylon). Still don't know where we are going. I feel like Abram not knowing where exactly to go...
Just received one of the final passports my household will need today....
And I have plenty of camping equipment in case we get hit before we get out.
Jeremiah 51:13 O you who dwell by many waters, Abundant in treasures, Your end has come, The measure of your covetousness.
And like you said in the article "Christian's With Seared Mind's":
"Again, remember this, the only HALLELUJAHS recorded in the New Testament reverberate through heavens corridors upon Babylon's destruction!
Join in the chorus - that is our choice."
Jeremiah 51:47,48 47 Therefore behold, the days are coming That I will bring judgment on the carved images of Babylon; Her whole land shall be ashamed, And all her slain shall fall in her midst. 48 Then the heavens and the earth and all that is in them Shall sing joyously over Babylon; For the plunderers shall come to her from the north," says the Lord.
Revelation 18:20 Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her!"
Revelation 19:1 After these things I heard a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, "Alleluia! Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!
Revelation 19:3 Again they said, "Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!
And like you said in the article "Christian's With Seared Mind's":
that was an article from the tribulation network which you turned me on to.
Dene Mcgriff I believe ????
That wasn't your statement?
I know the article was from TribNet but I can't find that statement on any of the 3 pages.
"Again, remember this, the only HALLELUJAHS recorded in the New Testament reverberate through heavens corridors upon Babylon's destruction!
Join in the chorus - that is our choice."
Maybe they changed it. I've seen them do that.
The only similar statement I can find is at the very end of the article on the last page:
"They who one day shall weep and wail at her destruction do not deserve our consolation – to the contrary, this shall and must be our frame of mind and spirit at her awful demise:
Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!
Her smoke rises up forever and ever!
For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!
(Revelation 19:1, 3, 6)"
Either way, both are true. Only the lost mourn for Babylon.
No,it wasn't mine.
Interesting that he changed a factual statement that hit home like that ???????
I'm glad someone is paying attention.
I never got the chanve to go back and read the whole article or the other one you mentioned from them.
Not enough hours in the day !
I did a site search on TribNet and found the first one was one of his comments reused from a past article.
Either way, they are both very powerful statements.
So powerful in fact that I think I'd like to state them again right now!
"Again, remember this, the only HALLELUJAHS recorded in the New Testament reverberate through heavens corridors upon Babylon's destruction!
Join in the chorus - that is our choice."
"They who one day shall weep and wail at her destruction do not deserve our consolation – to the contrary, this shall and must be our frame of mind and spirit at her awful demise:
Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God!
Her smoke rises up forever and ever!
For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!
(Revelation 19:1, 3, 6)"
very powerful ,it reveals the relationship between the world system so many Christians are in love with (and say we must submit to) and the Kingdom of God and the joy at it's destruction.
I know many deceived Christians will be crying.
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