Since President Bush decided to place radar and interceptor missiles near the border with Russia they have decided to renew old military ties with Cuba,and then we have Hugo Chavez in Venezuela with billions in oil revenue to spend on the latest weapons systems which are all aimed at the US.
I would have never thought in a thousand years Venezuela becoming our enemy,no way.
But in short time God raised up a king who really hates us and is growing more powerful.
When he cuts off oil to the U.S. we will feel it as Citgo is owned by Chavez.
Our southern flank has become extremely dangerous under the rule of the cursed fool Bush who divides Israel for his false peace. Genesis 12:3 And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people:all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces,though all the people of the eart be gathered against it. Zech12:3
We will soon understand God's fulfillment of His sure word 'cut in pieces' for the nation which divides Jerusalem.God is raising up many nation's to come against us.
Also watch Nicuargua,Equador,Bolivia,Brazil,Mexico, ect.
At least 24 Russian-made Sukhoi-30 fighter jets were delivered to Venezuela on Sunday as part of the country's defense capability build-up. The purchase came after the Bush administration refused to sell parts for Venezuela's aging F-16 jet fleet.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said of the delivery, "We received the Sukhoi aircraft as well as pilots, crew and missiles, and the aircraft will begin military practice with missiles soon."
Israeli pre-emption better than Islamist cure
By Spengler
exerpt ;
In another triumph for Iran, the government of Lebanon reportedly will legalize the Hezbollah militia and guarantee its right to "liberate or recover occupied lands", that is, to attack Israel. Two years after a United Nations resolution requiring the disarming of Hezbollah ended a regional war, Iran's military presence in Lebanon will obtain official status, without a harrumph from the US State Department.
US: Iranian response on nukes unacceptable
What shall you do Mr. President ?
Will your pride lead you and the U.S. into the greatest blunder ever ?
IDF trains for simultaneous Hezbollah, Iran, Syria missile strikes - Ha'aretz
The Israel Air Force's anti-aircraft division on Tuesday carried out a large exercise testing its response to simultaneous missile strikes by Syria, Hezbollah and Iran.
They forgot about Egypt just like I forgot to mention on the 'Woe to the Wicked' blog.
Egypt has missiles from N.Korea and many from the U.S. and who know where else and Egypt is using the fake peace to snare Israel.
just loook at the headlines which deal with the U.S. economy.
A person would have to have their head in the sand not to see what is no longer on the horizon but here now.
.....and then we have the headlines at trunews.com
Timmerman was on Savage's program last week talking about this and I posted this srory from newsmax almost 2 weeks ago.
As expected the major government media covers up what is going on and sells us their poison pills.
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