I wrote this in response to Caroline Glick's article at Jerusalem Post
Capital punishment for capital crimes
Capital punishment for capital crimes
The death penalty only applies to the nation of Israel.
Israel tries so hard to be loved by the world that she is fearful of angering them by any true justice for such henious crimes ,too afraid to carry out much deserved justice.
Israel ignores God's commands ,yet they grovel before the nation's which have in unision sentenced them to death by their false peace process.
When the cruel are afforded what the good and righteous innocent's among us are not given that nation is on it's last leg before fire falls down from heaven.
Israel is about to be shaken to it's foundations and not by any political process or court.
When the dust settles ,the evil,godless unJews who are cruel to the little flock of righteous Jews and reward treachery and wickedness will be gone,as it was in the days of Nebuchadnezzar,Noah and Sedom.
The forces of evil protect their own and it's only those Israeli Jews who fear and obey God who are targeted by the evil,godless unJewish left.
It's impossible to legislate morality in the hearts of wicked,perverted people.
Thru history when people have become this perverted in rewarding and protecting evil and never missing opportunity to be cruel to the righteous, intervention has never come by way of courts or politics but from above, fire and brimstone,destruction.
It looks like the missles aimed at Israel from Iran ,Syria,Lebanon,Egypt are meant to accomplish what God accomplished in Sedom and Gomorrah, Pompeei and numerous other civilizations that forgot God's laws and replaced them with their own perversions.
The Holy one of Israel will once again set things right and the remnant of Israel will have learned the fear of God and there will no longer be any leftist remaining in Israel who war against Him with their unrighteous deeds.
The bullseye from heaven is on their heads and God's patience has run out for those who oppress His small loyal Jewish flock and always reward His enemies.
Israel tries so hard to be loved by the world that she is fearful of angering them by any true justice for such henious crimes ,too afraid to carry out much deserved justice.
Israel ignores God's commands ,yet they grovel before the nation's which have in unision sentenced them to death by their false peace process.
When the cruel are afforded what the good and righteous innocent's among us are not given that nation is on it's last leg before fire falls down from heaven.
Israel is about to be shaken to it's foundations and not by any political process or court.
When the dust settles ,the evil,godless unJews who are cruel to the little flock of righteous Jews and reward treachery and wickedness will be gone,as it was in the days of Nebuchadnezzar,Noah and Sedom.
The forces of evil protect their own and it's only those Israeli Jews who fear and obey God who are targeted by the evil,godless unJewish left.
It's impossible to legislate morality in the hearts of wicked,perverted people.
Thru history when people have become this perverted in rewarding and protecting evil and never missing opportunity to be cruel to the righteous, intervention has never come by way of courts or politics but from above, fire and brimstone,destruction.
It looks like the missles aimed at Israel from Iran ,Syria,Lebanon,Egypt are meant to accomplish what God accomplished in Sedom and Gomorrah, Pompeei and numerous other civilizations that forgot God's laws and replaced them with their own perversions.
The Holy one of Israel will once again set things right and the remnant of Israel will have learned the fear of God and there will no longer be any leftist remaining in Israel who war against Him with their unrighteous deeds.
The bullseye from heaven is on their heads and God's patience has run out for those who oppress His small loyal Jewish flock and always reward His enemies.
Justice comes from above not from the corrupt,perverted Knessett and its likewise assorted political parties.
Iran Threatens Strait of Hormuz - NY Sun
Two days after a diplomatic deadline passed for Iran to end the reprocessing and enrichment of uranium, the chief of the country's Revolutionary Guard force is threatening to close down one of the world's most critical oil shipping passageways, the Strait of Hormuz.
Added: Aug 5th, 2008 2:17
Lack of Nuke Deal Means New Sanctions for Iran
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