The White House warned Russia to halt its attacks on Georgia or risk "significant" and enduring damage to its relationship with the United States.
Thats the big threat from the leader of the so called superpower and the so called free world to the Bear today.
Does anyone with a brain really think Russia care's anything about a relationship with an economically bankrupt and militarily over-extended United States ?
I think the Russian's have seen it's their time to make their move.They are stronger and the west is weaker with leaders like Bush who if not delusional suffer from Sarkozyitis.
Thats the big threat from the leader of the so called superpower and the so called free world to the Bear today.
Does anyone with a brain really think Russia care's anything about a relationship with an economically bankrupt and militarily over-extended United States ?
I think the Russian's have seen it's their time to make their move.They are stronger and the west is weaker with leaders like Bush who if not delusional suffer from Sarkozyitis.
While the President learns to play checkers ,Putin is playing a winning hand of chess.
The West is dead asleep and like a deer in the headlights unable to move as the Russian tanks head for them.
He who controls energy controls Europe,the West and the World.
Europe is at Russia's mercy and will do like President Bush,cry empty words of disapproval.
What is important to keep in mind here is the collapse of the dreamer Bush and his agenda.
He and the E.U. got the Bear up on it's western side when they helped steal Kosovo from the Serbian Christian's and give it to the Albanian Moslems. (Daniel 7:5)
Then Bush decided to place interceptor missiles in the Czech Republic and the Radar in Poland.
That would be like Russia doing the same thing in Mexico directed against the U.S.
Anyone with half a brain could see what was coming with Bush's messianic delusion.
His false peace Road Map to divide Israel has brought God's curse on him ,Genesis 12:3,
The West is dead asleep and like a deer in the headlights unable to move as the Russian tanks head for them.
He who controls energy controls Europe,the West and the World.
Europe is at Russia's mercy and will do like President Bush,cry empty words of disapproval.
What is important to keep in mind here is the collapse of the dreamer Bush and his agenda.
He and the E.U. got the Bear up on it's western side when they helped steal Kosovo from the Serbian Christian's and give it to the Albanian Moslems. (Daniel 7:5)
Then Bush decided to place interceptor missiles in the Czech Republic and the Radar in Poland.
That would be like Russia doing the same thing in Mexico directed against the U.S.
Anyone with half a brain could see what was coming with Bush's messianic delusion.
His false peace Road Map to divide Israel has brought God's curse on him ,Genesis 12:3,
and Zechariah 12:3 ,the cut in pieces promise to any so foolish to 'mess' with Israel as he has done.
This biblically points to the coming and much great catastrophe awaiting him,the U.S. and all the naive,deceived Christians who loved their lord wolf in sheep's costume and stood by him.
(exerpt from pipeline link above)
The Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he witnessed a heated discussion between the two leaders.
‘The President and Mr Putin were in an animated conversation two seats in front of us and I imagine they had a few things on their agenda,’ he said. ....
The greatest mismatch in history of war
Georgia’s war with Russia is a David and Goliath battle that, military experts say, the Black Sea state has no chance of winning.
The Georgians are outnumbered and outgunned in every department. Russia has about 697,000 troops, while Georgia has only 19,500 full-time regulars.
And with Russia’s 1,200 combat aircraft confronting Georgia’s seven outmoded support planes, and 6,000 tanks against 100 ageing machines, there is no contest.
Matthew Clements, Eurasia editor for Jane’s Defence journal, said last night: ‘The Georgian military cannot withstand a full Russian assault.
'The Russians have total air superiority and their coordinated operation gives the Georgians no chance of resisting.’
This biblically points to the coming and much great catastrophe awaiting him,the U.S. and all the naive,deceived Christians who loved their lord wolf in sheep's costume and stood by him.
(exerpt from pipeline link above)
The Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he witnessed a heated discussion between the two leaders.
‘The President and Mr Putin were in an animated conversation two seats in front of us and I imagine they had a few things on their agenda,’ he said. ....
The greatest mismatch in history of war
Georgia’s war with Russia is a David and Goliath battle that, military experts say, the Black Sea state has no chance of winning.
The Georgians are outnumbered and outgunned in every department. Russia has about 697,000 troops, while Georgia has only 19,500 full-time regulars.
And with Russia’s 1,200 combat aircraft confronting Georgia’s seven outmoded support planes, and 6,000 tanks against 100 ageing machines, there is no contest.
Matthew Clements, Eurasia editor for Jane’s Defence journal, said last night: ‘The Georgian military cannot withstand a full Russian assault.
'The Russians have total air superiority and their coordinated operation gives the Georgians no chance of resisting.’
yet israel is made to hold back and not defend herself in a "disproportionate" manner the usa has lost its position as superpower. nobody is willing to confront the bear
I have a hunch that this may be the start of WWIII....
It only took one assassin and a Duke to start WWI....
No doubt ,Putin is playing chess while Bush is learning to play checkers.
DEBKAfile’s military analysts: By flouting US demands to accept mediation, Moscow highlights America’s lack of leverage for helping its embattled Georgian ally. The Bush administration has trapped itself in its foreign policy commitment to dialogue and international diplomacy for solving world disputes but is short of willing opposite numbers.
Russia is following Iran’s example in exploiting Washington's inhibition to advance its goals by force. Therefore, the Caucasian standoff has profound ramifications for the Middle East and Persian Gulf. Moscow’s disdain for Washington’s lack of muscle will further encourage Tehran and its terrorist proxies to defy the international community and the United States in particular.
I've had this sense for a long time that we would not see November elections in the U.S. and that Bush would remain in power under martial law and it's all falling into the time frame so far going from now into October.
This war will expand if what I've been thinking is correct.
This is not prophetic but just from reading God's word and watching the set up God has laid out before our eyes which started with Bush's big blunder of invading Iraq.
Revelation 6:4 is at the door.
Putin Went Down To Georgia
Putin went down to Georgia. He was lookin' for some oil to steal.
He was in a bind 'cause the strait was mined, and he was willin' to make em squeal.
When he came across this young whore beatin' on the world and playin' it hot.
And Putin jumped up on a hickory stump and said, "Whore, let me tell you what.
I guess you didn't know it but I'm in the New World Order, too.
And if you'd care to swat the bear, I'll make a meal of you.
Now, you play pretty good chess, whore, but give Vlad Putin his due.
I'll bet a city of gold against your soul, 'cause I think I'm better than you."
The whore said, "My name's Mystery, and it might be a sin. But I'll take your bet, you're gonna regret, 'cause I'm the best that's ever been."
Mystery, put that bottle down ya better think real hard, 'cause hell's broke loose in Georgia and ol Putin deals the cards.
And if you win you get this shiny city made of gold. But if you lose, ol Putin gets your soul.
Putin opened up his case and he said, "I'll start this show." And fire flew from his missle ships as he made the country glow.
And he bombed the pipeline off the map and it made an evil hiss.
Then a band of countries joined in and it sounded somethin' like this:
When Putin finished, Mystery said, "Well, you're pretty good, old son, but sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done.
Fire in Ossetia. Run, boys, run. Putin's in the House of the Rising Sun.
Chicken at the summer games watchin the show. China, does your dog bite? No, child, no.
The harlot bowed her head because she knew that she'd been beat.
And they laid that golden city on the ground at the Putin's feet.
Putin said, "Whore, just come on back if you ever want to try again.
'Cause I told you once, you dirty whore, that you're never gonna rise again.
Fire in Ossetia. Run, boys, run. Putin's in the House of the Rising Sun.
Chicken at the summer games watchin the show. China, does your dog bite? No, child, no.
Thats good ,did you write it ?
Send it to Charlie D
Yeah, just goofing around.
Then I read the top article and got shocked back to somber right quick.....
Things are moving fast now.
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