Thirty -Five years ago while in the Air-Force stationed at HAFB, - Tactical Air Command -in New Mexico, we went on Red Alert,Defcon 3 as Russia threatened to bring nuclear weapons into the equation to help rescue Egypt from their imminent defeat by Israel.
President Nixon was preparing for war with Russia ,but somehow miracuously the lit fuse was put out just in time.
I'm afraid things are much different this time and our arrogant and blind President and stupid Secretary of State only know how to inflame the situation with an angry provoked bear awakened from a long hybernation and prepared to 'devour much flesh'.
And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itselfDaniel 7:5
on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it:
and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.
I really believe we have arrived to the point of no return and this superpower showdown will reach it's final conclusion for the nation which rejected God and His laws and blessing's.
The final straw ,carving up Israel is the last nail in our casket.
Thank God for a 35 year intermission.
The Emperor with no clothes speaks ;
President Bush on Friday chided Russia for Cold War-style behavior, saying, "Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century,unless you are bullying Israel,then it's acceptable for the U.S. to trample it's sovereignty for our self interests,but you Russia are not to do as we do but do as we say,got it ?"
"Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike — 100 percent," Interfax quoted Nogovitsyn as saying. a nuclear strike
I was talking to my neighbor this morning about how the 12 spies who went into the land of God's promise,Israel, and how 10 of the twelve saw the giants in the land and themselves as grasshoppers.
Faithless Israel puts her trust in her false god and false peacemaker Bush and ignores God.The 10 spies were trusting in their own self ,their stinking FLESH as America and Israel now do. Israel relies on the giant superpower America for her safety,peace and protection and ignores God because she see's our great FORCE, Aircraft Carriers and high tech weapons and smart bombs and Nuclear subs and Military Bases around the world, all the while ignoreing God.
"Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike — 100 percent," Interfax quoted Nogovitsyn as saying. a nuclear strike
I was talking to my neighbor this morning about how the 12 spies who went into the land of God's promise,Israel, and how 10 of the twelve saw the giants in the land and themselves as grasshoppers.
Faithless Israel puts her trust in her false god and false peacemaker Bush and ignores God.The 10 spies were trusting in their own self ,their stinking FLESH as America and Israel now do. Israel relies on the giant superpower America for her safety,peace and protection and ignores God because she see's our great FORCE, Aircraft Carriers and high tech weapons and smart bombs and Nuclear subs and Military Bases around the world, all the while ignoreing God.
Israel is doing what she did in the past and God will destroy their false god of America ,the works of their hands and brains ,America's God of Force.
I can feel the joy welling up in me over the fact that Babylon will soon be no more....
Jeremiah 51:48 Then the heavens and the earth and all that is in them Shall sing joyously over Babylon; For the plunderers shall come to her from the north," says the Lord.
Revelation 18:20 Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her!"
Revelation 19:3 Again they said, "Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!
It is truly going to be something to praise God for when the whore is gone.
Isaiah 14:3-8 3 It shall come to pass in the day the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow, and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you were made to serve, 4 that you will take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say: "How the oppressor has ceased, The golden city ceased! 5 The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked, The scepter of the rulers; 6 He who struck the people in wrath with a continual stroke, He who ruled the nations in anger, Is persecuted and no one hinders. 7 The whole earth is at rest and quiet; They break forth into singing. 8 Indeed the cypress trees rejoice over you, And the cedars of Lebanon, Saying, 'Since you were cut down, No woodsman has come up against us.'
Even the trees will rejoice!
Lets see if you're still celebrating when you're glowing in the dark ?
I'm not ,i'ts more of an awe of God and His terror and destroying power. I'm silent and in fear of Him !
"Lets see if you're still celebrating when you're glowing in the dark ?"
Lets get going then, that way we don't have to glow in the dark! If you get to Jerusalem first, let us know if possible.
Psalms 84:10 For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
Amos 5:18-20 18 Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord! For what good is the day of the Lord to you? It will be darkness, and not light. 19 It will be as though a man fled from a lion, And a bear met him! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him! 20 Is not the day of the Lord darkness, and not light? Is it not very dark, with no brightness in it?
I'm not desiring the day of The Lord, just the end of Babylon..
Wow, check this out from Watsons Web!
Aug '08 - Oil Wars: Ossetia And Beyond - WW
"For those of you who had trouble downloading this (many did), I apologize. It appears that perhaps someone somewhere with some serious pull did not like what I wrote. I tested the file before from several differnet IP's on two different computers and downloaded it fine on Monday but many complained that the link did not work and lo and behold, I tried again and got a 'corrupted file' error. I don't want to sound paranoid but I have some excellent reasons for believing the way I do that I cannot go into with any depth other than to say that they track back to secret parts of NEW LAWS that are not known to the average American. Poke around some of the more obscure tech blogs and newsgroups and you will get a gist for what I am talking about.
Here is an updated copy that should work, if it does not and gets 'accidently corrupted' again, may those of you who know my e-mail address let me know and I will find an alternate way of posting it. Lesson for you my dear readers: Be extremely careful of what you do, who you talk to, where you buy things on the net. The devil and his imps want total control of the net and will not stop till they get it."
Looks like the "whores that be" are furiously at "suppressing the truth in unrighteousness".
Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
Thanks James ,the link is working for now.
Lots odf things going on and it's just going to pile up to the sky until the bear does what the bear does best.
Wil Bush be drawn to act more furiously by being embarrased by Putin ?
Larry Taylor audio #22 I'm listening to now.
He's reporting many anolomies at his yahoogroups edge alerts.
Here is a collection of various news:
Georgia Proxy War
Hey, quick question:
Did Rick Wiles change his tune about the anti-semetic articles he was posting?
'Did Rick Wiles change his tune about the anti-semetic articles he was posting?'
I don't know ?
The last day I listened to him was afte I emailed him and posted it in the article I wrote against his bashing Israel.
He still went after Israel but you could tell it was tempered a bit ,no foaming at the mouth.
I don't think I was the only person to rebuke him.
I stopped listening or going to his web site so if you have heard anything I would be interested in the news.
I stopped over for a peek yesterday and today and didn't see any "foaming at the mouth" type stuff but....
his site is not going back in my Favorites yet.
I oppose secular zionism as it has been made drunk by Mystery Babylon and wants an Israel without God. Thats why they don't care about the property lines God set and take direction from Dubya.
Paul's position on the matter is the one I also take.
Romans 11:28 Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers.
Did you see this?
I can attest to this.
It's been happening to my cell calls since last week.
Did you see this?
read talkback #5
not just secular but religious zionists get on their knees and bow to their baalmaster/god and peacmaker Bush.
Daniel's message was to a Jewish audience primarily and Israel in particular.
It all centers around Jerusalem and then moves outward from there.
The fact that a majority of Jews still grovel and beg before Bush after he has divided thir land and proven to be a counterfeit peacmaker is more serious than the average snoreing Christian realizes.
The strong delusion is already here
as for Rick ,
I only have so many hours in the day and he has been cut off.
I can't listen to his anti-Israel diatribes anymore.
Skipping him has 'freed' me up for better things.
I've also had some new electronic troubles mostly with the computer.
I gave up on cell's and sattelite TV long ago.
A great joy in my life is less monthly bills from crooks.
This moring I woke up to find numeros youtube videos posted on my blog that never maed it up when I attempted to post them some time ago.
Google is a strange animal ,who knows how much time I have to blog
tripod took down my first weebsite back in 1999 after I posted picture of the Taliban with their cut off hands and feeet trophies leaving the soccer stafdium in Kabul.
Geocities removed my website also.
So you can say by God's grace I'm ready for the unexpected.
Work while it is light for the night comes when no man can work.
Ed. Note: Global Research can tend to have some extreme left wing and anti-Israel and anti-Zionist articles bordering on anti-Semitism. However, some of the viewpoints expressed by its authors are worth noting such as this. As always proceed prayerfully and with discernment.
Is it possible that this time the October surprise was tried in August, and that the garbage issue of brave little Georgia struggling for its survival from the grasp of the Russian bear was stoked to influence the U.S. presidential election?
Before you dismiss that possibility, consider the role of one Randy Scheunemann, for four years a paid lobbyist for the Georgian government who ended his official lobbying connection only in March, months after he became Republican presidential candidate John McCain's senior foreign policy adviser.
Previously, Scheunemann was best known as one of the neoconservatives who engineered the war in Iraq when he was a director of the Project for a New American Century. It was Scheunemann who, after working on the McCain 2000 presidential campaign, headed the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which championed the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
There are telltale signs that he played a similar role in the recent Georgia flare-up. How else to explain the folly of his close friend and former employer, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, in ordering an invasion of the breakaway region of South Ossetia, an invasion that clearly was expected to produce a Russian counterreaction? It is inconceivable that Saakashvili would have triggered this dangerous escalation without some assurance from influential Americans he trusted, like Scheunemann, that the United States would have his back. Scheunemann long guided McCain in these matters, even before he was officially running foreign policy for McCain's presidential campaign.
In 2005, while registered as a paid lobbyist for Georgia, Scheunemann worked with McCain to draft a congressional resolution pushing for Georgia's membership in NATO. A year later, while still on the Georgian payroll, Scheunemann accompanied McCain on a trip to that country, where they met with Saakashvili and supported his bellicose views toward Russia's Vladimir Putin.
Scheunemann is at the center of the neoconservative cabal that has come to dominate the Republican candidate's foreign policy stance in a replay of the run-up to the war against Iraq. These folks are always looking for a foreign enemy on which to base a new Cold War, and with the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime, it was Putin's Russia that came increasingly to fit the bill.
Yes, it sounds diabolical, but that may be the most accurate way to assess the designs of the McCain campaign in matters of war and peace. There is every indication that the candidate's demonization of Russian leader Putin is an even grander plan than the previous use of Saddam to fuel American militarism with the fearsome enemy that it desperately needs.
McCain gets to look tough with a new Cold War to fight while Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, scrambling to make sense of a more measured foreign policy posture, will seem weak in comparison. Meanwhile, the dire consequences of the Bush legacy that McCain has inherited, from the disaster of Iraq to the economic meltdown, conveniently will be ignored. But the military-industrial complex, which has helped bankroll the neoconservatives, will be provided with an excuse for ramping up a military budget that is already bigger than that of the rest of the world combined.
Oh, I believe it....
I read something else about this the other day so it's not surprising.
Although I really don't think they "counted the cost" when it comes to how Russia responded...
Then again, maybe it was exactly what they expected?
Oh and BTW..
Don't worry about NAZI Google..
I know this little hosting company WAY out in the boonies safe from the tampering of those who like to erase the truth.
It's got backup generators and as long as the WHOLE internet isn't down I'll see to it that you have a space to continue in less than 24 Hrs.
If I see your Blog go down, I'll email you with the details.
Thanks ,you seem to be ready.
I lost power while reading Debk's latest report ,twice last week and once so far today.
It's been a while sicne it's gone out for so long and so often.
I see this as the Lord telling me to get used to the days ahead without electricity.
The best servers won't help then.
over2 weeks ago I tried to post youtube videos to my blog and it was blocked.
Toady 4 appeared on my blog.
I'm wondering if Richard Pwerry removed a block he had up.He wouldn't let me comment on his videos either.
is it possible he heard Wiles at Trunews railing againt Israel and Jews and figured out I was right about him ?????????
Did you see this ?
I wrote a warning tov them about their whore ,pimp relationship with Bush and how it's gotten them into much trouble and I don't know why they didn't post it ?
"I wrote a warning tov them about their whore ,pimp relationship with Bush and how it's gotten them into much trouble and I don't know why they didn't post it ?"
Probably for the same reason as this:
"I often feel as though I am a man standing outside a building engulfed in flames, screaming at the top of my lungs for those inside to come out, to save themselves, to escape the fire, while all the while, those inside stand by the windows and wave merrily, coffee in one hand, donut in the other, unaware of the tragedy that is about the befall them."
where I differ from michael is that there is no merry with the crowd and that they are throwing heavy things at me.
Michael is careful not to offend them in speaking the truth about their god George.
I guess he's a 501c3 and it is not permitted to speak ill of the emperor.
I'm with ya there...
As far as getting heavy things thrown at me... :)
501c3.... ugh
Rendering to Ceaser the things that are Gods.
But, we know a local church that isn't 501c3 but still plays the part...
Not a place where one wants to be..
Isaiah 63:1-6 1 Who is this who comes from Edom, With dyed garments from Bozrah, This One who is glorious in His apparel, Traveling in the greatness of His strength?-- "I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save." 2 Why is Your apparel red, And Your garments like one who treads in the winepress? 3 "I have trodden the winepress alone, And from the peoples no one was with Me. For I have trodden them in My anger, And trampled them in My fury; Their blood is sprinkled upon My garments, And I have stained all My robes. 4 For the day of vengeance is in My heart, And the year of My redeemed has come. 5 I looked, but there was no one to help, And I wondered That there was no one to uphold; Therefore My own arm brought salvation for Me; And My own fury, it sustained Me. 6 I have trodden down the peoples in My anger, Made them drunk in My fury, And brought down their strength to the earth."
James ,
I didn't post your link to the
very disturbing ...........Miriam Franklin.
One thing I am certain of is that Michael will be quiet and allow God to fight his enemies who rise up against him .
It always makes the battle sure and fatal for our enemies if they don't repent when we allow God to act and not ourselves.
Lot's of last day deception and she is one of them.
She's got hwer ringer on.
I trust the Lords ringer, not her's.
the big question here for all of us is ;
Miriam F. or Jesus ?
"A few claims of testimony from Duduman’s and Boldea’s camp likewise did not ring true to me says a Miriam Franklin ."
Who is she ?
It would be more wise and careful when it comes to believing the Jezebel women who are not happy about God's coming judgments
and who discredit and discount the GROWING WAVE OF PERSECUTION which is coming.
She says it's always been here which is another lie.
The Church has been at ease and grown fat under great freedom ,but that will change and grow much worse than anything we have ever ever seen before.
Miriam writes;
'History is full of the blood of millions of martyrs, yet according to Duduman and Boldea this war is only future tense. This is not true.'
God didn't send this message to warn about the past.
She twists what God is warning us about by digging up the past and what is to come and says it's not true.
She makes the truth,THE WARNING a lie.
She has chosen to be a judge over these two men whose message of judgment is extremely unpopular with the Church and the devil.
It should come as no surprise that Satan would raise up one of his many brave women to take a stab at the messenger who warns of coming judgment.
James ,I wrote this below at her website
Do you think she will post it ?
A segment of her article below is for discerning readers to comment on her lie that the horses have alweays been riding like they will be at this closing hour and that Jesus is one of them.
While she judges others for doing the same ?
A real phony ,a hypoctrite.
How could you miss that big lie James ?
Mis Franklin,
One of my blog readers sent me the link to your article and I read it.
I'm going to post this on my blog in case you don't post it so he can read it for himself.
A number of things you wrote stood out with me ,but here are just a few.
Your unhappiness that he did not post what you wrote in response to his 4 horseman vision.
He didn't post what I wrote to his blog many times but unlike you I don't have an axe to grind.
you wrote ;
"What I did not write then to him, but will say now, is that the symbology in the vision was confused - as the horsemen have been riding for centuries and one is Jesus"
You are dead wrong about the 'horsemen have always been riding for centuries' and one is Jesus.
You are deceived ,the blind leading the blind.
Another bitter woman who has followed the path of Jezebel.
The one sentence you wrote that exposed what you realy are is ;
"A few claims of testimony from Duduman’s and Boldea’s camp likewise did not ring true to me"
So the ring just didn't fit your ear and we're supposed to rely on your ear ? lol
God's word speaks clearly to us.
Lean not unto thine own understanding ,in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct you paths.
In your own words you have revealed that 'me' is what you rely on and not the Lord.
You lose Mis Franklin!
I'll take Michael and his grandfather over you any day .
exerpt from marylin's diatribe against M.Boldea.
Note the future tense. This echos with what his grandson, Michael Boldea jr said recently in his dream of the four horsemen about Christians needing to take a stand at the end times.
‘If one word stands out from this entire dream, it is the word ‘prepare’ and we must do so with diligence. The children of God must steel themselves for what is coming, prepare their hearts and settle within their soul that the day in which we will have to stand for truth is soon approaching.’ (Michael Boldea jr)
‘Soon approaching’ - this is obviously very wrong -why? Satan already comes against the Saints and has done so for centuries - that is why the Bible says the devil prowls round like a roaring lion looking for those he can devour, we must be wary to the devil’s schemes and put on our spiritual armour daily, weild the sword of the word and submit to God, resist the devil and the devil will flee from us. WE ARE ALREADY IN A SPIRITUAL WAR! However, the devil also makes physical war against the Saints and has done so for many years and has had the power to overcome them through the beast of Rome. History is full of the blood of millions of martyrs, yet according to Duduman and Boldea this war is only future tense. This is not true.
Yet the Bible says that GOD delays the time of the end, that as many will be saved as possible. It says the days of the great tribulation will be shortened, for the sake of the saints, but this is another thing entirely.
It can be seen, therefore, there is a lot of bad theology running through the visions, and a lack of intercession from the prophet. The God portrayed in Dudaman’s dreams and visions is a cold and harsh one, who seemingly cannot wait to burn America, destoy the world and all the ‘naughty’ Christians along with them. His God seems to take great delight in saying ‘you’ll burn’. There are crucially no visions of anything beyond the judgment, of the glory of God and His Christ etc or even alternatives if people repent to put the harsh warnings of judgment into perspective. All biblical prophets when warning of impending judgment always called the church and the world to repentence, prayer and activity, and yet I do not see this thread running anywhere in these visions. I do not see a true prophets words because of these reasons too.
I commentated on Michael Boldea’s post on the four horsemen on his blog some time ago, in a short and respectful manner, that I agreed with him that the church was not prepared and we must prepare as great devastation was coming to the earth, but I said that day we must stand for truth was already here today (as it always has been). Too many people look to tomorrow and ignore the importance of today when antichrist systems are already in place and decieving the masses today. We do not just stand for truth in the very last days of the end times alone as the final Beasts and Antichrist are revealed but now also. Boldea refused to publish this comment, yet has published other praising comments since. What I wrote was biblical, gentle, respectful and not critical. I question that action for deleting what I wrote, and the reasons for this.
What I did not write then to him, but will say now, is that the symbology in the vision was confused - as the horsemen have been riding for centuries and one is Jesus! An angel would not be confused but a man would, indicating, I think a non angelic source for it. His account of getting the prophecy also did not at all ring true to me.
There are many embellished testimonies I hear on the Christian circuit - (there are so many liars out there! They think they do God’s work by bearing false witness and think what is the harm if it has Jesus name and leads people to him anyway - ones who lie, ‘I was an ex witch/high priest of satanism/high ranking mason and this is my story’ etc to make a quick buck. A few claims of testimony from Duduman’s and Boldea’s camp likewise did not ring true to me. (Note this is in additon to prophecies and teachings).
Some of the visions and words contain some truth but then you will get that if using the Bible to prophesy from the flesh it will be a mix. Though Dudman and Michael Boldea jr sometimes speaks truth because he speaks from the Bible, and God can use him just as he can use other false teachers or evangelists or prophets despite their falseness etc, it does not make them true prophets. It really does not matter if they well-intentioned or not.
Miriam wrote ;
"What I did not write then to him, but will say now, is that the symbology in the vision was confused - as the horsemen have been riding for centuries and one is Jesus"
I wasn't confused in the least .
It seems to me your (babel) confusion has something to do with your ringing ear ?
I know the Lord said, "Take heed that no one deceives you."
and I know Paul said, "Let no one deceive you by any means"
and John said, "Little children, let no one deceive you."
"no one" covers EVERYBODY, including ourselves.
Paul even addressed that!
Galatians 6:3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
Paul also said if EVEN HE came back and preach something different that he had at first, EVEN HE should be accursed.
Galatians 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.
A true teacher will ALWAYS hold himself to the same standard that he holds for ALL.
I'm just going to leave my comment at "Very disturbing" as I am going to look into this matter further.
It is also very disturbing that I didn't catch that the blog owner was a woman teaching and having authority over men, a clear violation of the commands of scripture.
1 Timothy 2:12 And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
I would have told her, "Go home and learn from your husband in silence." if I had know that.
Remember Vincent X and his co-pastor wife whom I linked to here before.
Matthew Stepehs was also at their last conference along with Vincent and his co-pastor wife.
I never cared for the co-pastor wife stuff as I cannot think of one which has stayed on the straight and narrow and not fallen into sin and deception,but I gave vincent a wink and a pass for a while.
I made a careful selection of pointing out Benjamin Baruch's message ONLY.
I had questions about Matthew Stephens GIVING HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT FOR A WHILER until my doubts were finally answered !
I didn't like his ending at the Conference at NWM at Vincent's Church.
And now (as you mentioned before Manifest Sons garbage)I've become wary and distanced myself his ministry.
He linked to a church group in Texas whith Women in authority, and unbiblical doctrine, ect.
N.W.M. cancelled their upcoming conference and I'M ONLY GUESSING ??
Is it possible Benjamin Baruch has distanced himself from this ministry also ?
I hope so !
It's sad to see so much confusion but I am sure Jesus will clean up the large mess.
I am, like you listening and praying and waiting.
One I've learned from many experiences is the large pitfall when women are in authority over men which seems to be acceptable today,but not with me.
I emailed a Robert who responded to her article on M.Boldea and asked him ; Since when has God used a woman to come against a messenger sounding a warning of judgment.
The last one I believe ,whom God didn't send was Jezebel.
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