Tuesday, August 02, 2011

evil ehud barak

Migron is targeted for eviction by the evil lowest court of Israel as are Jews of Judea and Samaria for a counterfeit peace in order to please their false god of no peace,America which Israel follows religiously.
No surprise that the rest of Israel who are so quick to sacrifice their brothers across the green line are feeling more pain and suffering.
Today Netanyahu's left hand man Ehud Barak has blessed Gaza terrorist enclave with more benefits for their rockets and terrorism as he punishes fellow Jewish settlers.

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn
Proverbs 29:2

The perverted and godless left  and the fearful, always appeasing right of Israel bring God's judgment on the nation and it's only begun.
Eventually the good people of Israel will fight back against an evil court that treats the Islamic murderers and terrorists better than them.
 Migron  & civil war  in Israel ?

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